LUNIR's Marketing Services

Marketing Strategy

Impactful results require intentional strategy. A strategic foundation to your marketing is key to success.   

Let's Strategise

Marketing Analytics

Imagine building a rocket ship and not knowing how far it can go. Not tracking your marketing efforts is the same.

Let's Analyse

Content Creation

They say content is king, and with good reason. One of the core elements in building your company’s image.

Let's Create

Website Creation

Can your company exist without a good website in this current day? Maybe if your company employs Chuck Norris!

Let's Design

LUNIR's LEFT-RIGHT Brain Marketing Approach

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. 

The left side of the brain is associated more to analytical thinking, whilst the right side is geared more to creative thinking. 

In the marketing world analysis/strategy and creative are crucial to marketing success, and they need to be unified in order to be successful. So often, these two parts of marketing are separated and don’t work together. 

At LUNIR, our aim is to deliver marketing that unites the left and right, providing creative work that is cleverly analysed and planned.

Interested to learn more about this approach and why we do this?  

Meet LUNIR's Founder

Michel Mahieu - LUNIR Marketing Luxembourg
"Hey! I’m Michel.

You only really get to know a company when you know about the people behind it, so here’s a bit about me (more about LUNIR further down).
I’m originally from South Africa, and I currently find myself in the little gem called Luxembourg.

What gets me up in the morning?

I have a strong passion for both creativity and data, which landed me in the exciting world of online advertising...
Tell me more

LUNIR does cool work with cool companies! 

Since its establishment, LUNIR has worked with a range of companies and organisations in various sectors, including finance, sports, professional services, education, and non-profit.

LUNIR aims to break the norm and do work that is a step above. Got a challenge for us? Bring it on. 

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LUNIR Projects Luxembourg